Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Julie Bradbury

Essay on Julie Bradbury Essay on Julie Bradbury Julie Bradbury Knowles Court ICO 1 1.1 It is our responsibility as employees to take precautionary measures to help prevent and Control the spread of infection. We must attend all training provided by our employers regarding infection control and prevention. Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) and Personal protective equipment (PPE). Effective hand washing and wearing the correct PPE when assisting clients or dealing with waste which will reduce the spread of infection. We have a hand washing champion who does regular audits on our hand washing techniques to ensure we are doing it correctly. To ensure we clean equipment correctly to avoid spread of infection. Clinical waste goes into a yellow bag. Barrier nursing items for incineration goes in orange bags and black bags for household rubbish. White bin liners are used in the bins in toilets and bathrooms for used paper towels. Yellow cloths and mops for use in kitchen. Red mop and bucket for use in sluice and on body waste. Green cloths and blue mops for use in rooms. All bins are pedal operated so we do not have to manually lift lids. Hand washing before and after tasks. 1.2 It is the duty of the employer to provide a safe work place for staff, clients and visitors. The employer should provide the required personal protection equipment, training and information on Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) and Infection control. Procedures for disposing of rubbish and clinical waste. They should assess risks, and ensure procedures are followed. 2.1 Laws and legal regulations about infection control come under the health and safety at work act 1974 (HASAWA). It is to ensure a safe work place for employees and members of the public and employers by minimizing accidents at work. HASAWA introduced the need for monitoring health and safety, risk assessments, including infection prevention and control. The personal protective equipment act 1992 ensures that suitable PPE is provided to employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health. COSHH regulations act 2002 is the law that requires employers to control substances hazardous to health. RIDDOR regulations act 1979 means it is the duty of employers in control work premises to report certain serious work place accidents, dangerous occurrences and any outbursts of infectious diseases. ICO 1 2.2 Where i work we have policies and procedures on when and how to use personal protective equipment and cleaning routines to follow. This depends on what you are doing. IE cleaning toilet and bathrooms where body fluids are present, disposing of clinical waste, handling laundry which is soiled with body waste. When dealing with dirty laundry we wear disposable aprons and gloves. The clean laundry goes into colour co ordinate bags, white for clothes, green for linen, red for contaminated clothes and linen this then gets tied and placed into another red bag in the sluice. Disposal of household rubbish goes into black bags, yellow for clinical waste or orange for incineration. The local firm which collects these leave coloured lockable bins for us to use. Black bags go into blue bin with black lid. Clinical waste bags go into yellow bin with yellow lid, cardboard boxes go into white bin with brown lid, Orange bags for incinerating go into yellow lockable bin. 3.1 Outbreak of infection can be fatal if care is not taken. IE an outbreak of MRSA that can be resistant to antibiotics. There is consequences for all involved, Ill health, isolation and sickness of staff. The Organisation could be fined with not complying with the law. This is why company’s policy and procedures need to be adhered to. IE hand washing and personal protective equipment, Barrier nursing is used if a patient in known or thought to be suffering from a contagious disease, we use

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